highlights & promotes the noble gesture of voluntary while paying special to all the selfless people who roll up their sleeves every day to save the lives of others! (1/2) 🩸

16 25

Selamat Hari Donor Darah Sedunia, Reonites!

Setiap tetes darah yang kita berikan, akan sangat berarti bagi mereka yang membutuhkan. Yuk, donorkan darahmu, karena banyak lho saudara kita di luar sana yang membutuhkan.

0 1



37 49





11 21

🐳 Über die fossilen Reste der Zeuglodonten von Nordamerica mit Rücksicht auf die europäischen Reste aus dieser Familie
Berlin: Verlag von G. Reimer, 1849.

0 0

Heute war "Ruf-Fudge-um-Kobras-in-Nordamerika-zu-vertreiben-Tag".

15 128

Check out Mats Nordaas Olsen's amazing work! Mats is a young illustrator and graphic designer from and looking for a job right now! Find more of his fantastic and creative works on https://t.co/CvFvNigSZr and get in touch with him!
IG: claystation2

2 3

🐳 Über die fossilen Reste der Zeuglodonten von Nordamerica mit Rücksicht auf die europäischen Reste aus dieser Familie
Berlin: Verlag von G. Reimer, 1849.

0 3

Acer is the 5th Gym Leader in the Nordana Gym Challenge. They're a science and tech enthusiast and fanatic who is researching into the recently founded Synth Type.

2 11

"Histoire Naturelle, La Grenouille Mugissante - Le Crapaud Pipa"
Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch - Lithobates catesbeianus - American Bullfrog
from "Encyclopedia" By Denis Diderot (1713-1784
and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-17839
Quart edition. Paris, 1751-1772

0 0

Tekina is the 3rd Gym Leader in the Nordana Gym Challenge. Her family was initially from Johto but soon moved to Vancorden in the Galar District. Tekina lives in her own personal garden that's open for people to view.

3 16

🐳 Über die fossilen Reste der Zeuglodonten von Nordamerica mit Rücksicht auf die europäischen Reste aus dieser Familie
Berlin: Verlag von G. Reimer, 1849.

0 3

Krig er forakt for liv / Fred er å skape
War is contempt for life / Peace is to create
Savaş, yaşama saygısızlıktır / Barış yaratmaktır

– Nordahl Grieg

0 2

🙌We have a winner of the Lucky Rare NFT Giveaway!

📣Congrats to Senordabz!

You have won the Blackbeard with Laser Eyes BWMU NFT!

Thank you to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for the Mystery NFT giveaway coming up next!

4 12

🙌We have a winner of the Lucky Rare NFT Giveaway!

📣Congrats to Senordabz!

You have won the Blackbeard with Laser Eyes BWMU NFT!

Thank you to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for the Mystery NFT giveaway coming up next!

6 25

🙌We have a winner of the Lucky Rare NFT Giveaway!

📣Congrats to Senordabz!

You have won the Blackbeard with Laser Eyes BWMU NFT!

Thank you to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for the Mystery NFT giveaway coming up next!

9 29

is a life-saving gift. Over 100,000 individuals are waiting for organ transplants. February 14 is also in the US. Will you consider being an organ donor?

16 41

Pour meurtre d un jeune homme, pour agressions sexuelles de petites filles de 5 et 6 ans et pour meurtre d une gamine de 8 ans .. Sans risque d erreur judiciaire, puisqu'il a reconnu lui-même les faits ...

0 0

🐳 Über die fossilen Reste der Zeuglodonten von Nordamerica mit Rücksicht auf die europäischen Reste aus dieser Familie
Berlin: Verlag von G. Reimer, 1849.

0 4

"Histoire Naturelle, La Grenouille Mugissante - Le Crapaud Pipa"
Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch - Lithobates catesbeianus - American Bullfrog
Grosse Wabenkröte (Amazonagebiet - Surinam) - Surinam Toad
Paris, 1751-1772

1 2