The Wisdom - Nynaeve al'Meara
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
“I don't feel like a flower. I feel like a blackthorn bush.”

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day 14: Talent

“The glow of saidar surrounded Nynaeve suddenly—Egwene leaned forward, trying to see, and so did Elayne—and Dailin started up with a scream, eyes wide open. In an instant, Nynaeve was easing her back down, and the glow faded.

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Congratulations on 1K, and pleased to meet you (and thank you for the chance to talk about characters)!

Meet Nynaeve! When not doing shenanigans, she has a magic shop on a sleepy alley in the big city. She says she'd like to just take it easy, but can't leave well enough alone.

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For the Obiyuki bingo block—
⏳Wheel of time⏳

The couple/lovers having a happy reunion :3
Im not too familiar w/wot but from what I could gather, I decided to make Obiyuki as /

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An opportunity to share about Nynaeve? I might be a bit late to the party but I can't pass up the opportunity to gush about my Consulting Witch For Hire moonlighting as a fixer and info-broker in a cyber/witchpunk world.

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I am beside myself with delight! Just got some wonderful pictures of two developing OC's from (who does excellent work you should commission Ginger you really should)

Meet Nynaeve and her bodyguard Yukimi in their first official appearance!

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Nynaeve al' Meara, de la série La roue du temps. Il y en aurait très long à dire sur elle, mais je vais me contenter de ceci: Lorsqu’elle est contrariée, elle a la manie de tirer sur la tresse ou bien de la serrer fort et je trouve ça super drôle ;)

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yall ever think about how one of the best fights in wot is literally nynaeve and moghedien staring at each other

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That time I painted with big cleavage cause in the books she kept wearing lower cut stuff for Lan and being a hypocrite.
The powers that be wanted them covered up so the final version ended up less boobalicious
*Throwback to 2012 and the WoT card deck art.

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“More than once Nynaeve had been shocked at her own cruelty, even while she was delighted at her inventiveness.”
― Robert Jordan
Moghedien collard.
Needed to go back into this one and make some changes. I dig it more now, so, ya'know, THAT'S GOOD.

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My husband is obsessed with the Wheel of Time series and so I decided to do some art for him in between commissions

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Well... Happy Birthday to me. I am 33 now and it means nothing.

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"Nynaeve Collars Moghedien"
Another scene from in which Nynaeve barely saves her and Egwenes asses. Good news, I have this and the rest of my wheel of time up on inprint now! Thank you! <3

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More Wheel of Time! Nynaeve this time. I’m only on book 8 but loving the series!

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nynaeve and the rest of the gals!

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Egwene terminada! Falta Nynaeve, por ahora....

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