“The DM summons an Oblex before you...”

a drawing i did for my friend/Dungeon Master @/MicGoesBoom for his celebrated Womb Evacuation Day that i liked how it came out 🎊🎉🎊

my man loving his brain-stealin jellos 🍮😰🍮

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Doodle that got out of hand
local girl just here sitting on herself

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also the dualities of my girl, Guppy, in
yes those are mushrooms lol

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Anyone remember my new character? No?
That's okay. I made more art of her and one of her pestering character Ludo.

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Haven't posted art in a while and I know everything I've been reblogging can stress a lot of folk out
It's been adding onto the stress I already have from work
So here some art
New Char for campaign, little Oblex wants to explore the surfaceworld

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Yup, another one because I'm still in DnD monster girl mood.
Slime girls are fun and Oblex are fun slimes, so Oblex girl it is.

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We're about to kick off another episode of our / / D&D game, Guilty Treasure Gaming!

Can we escape from the Gothic asylum without being consumed by the spooky ooky oblex? Boy I hope so!


(Art by )

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My warlock I play for D&D! Her familiar is an Oblex Spawn. :) The dragonmark she knows is of House Lyrandar, but something else. DM is adamant of not telling me until the time comes.

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And today Adventures wondered over manor with ghosts, and discovered what scary story it hides. And Oblex.

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Hey there!

I just uploaded the "Oblex Lair"

You can download it here:

The mood in this map turned out awesome imo! I love the Oblex pool the most I think and the secret path, what do you like the most?

RT's would be so lovly! Thank you💙

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A small sneekpeek of the map im gonna release tomorrow =) Man this turned out great and I'm pumped!

The Oblex pool turned out awesome imo,what do you think?

There also will be a desert/jungle color variant and a spider tomb! ;)

RT's are most welcome, thank you!💙

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So... This was an adventure! Took me a week, and it's finally finished. Buzzfeed Unsolved Fanart (featuring creepy ghoul which was definitely inspired by one of my favourite DND monsters, the Elder Oblex) 👻

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