i am now an official cape enjoyer, although i still like my optifine cape

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サーバーは8/20 正式公開する

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this texture pack is going to be an optifine pack, but it will still be usable without it! but, i do plan on having some fun random textures for most wildstock. so here's some of the animal textures i've done so far!

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is the winner of my old OptiFine cape!

Please confirm that the second image is your skin, if that's the case I'm sure I got the right username!

(These took me for ever to type out)

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2 icon slots open for $5 +$2 for shading
i just want an optifine cape tbh

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Ask and it shall be given unto you. If you're using Optifine, he will have a small chance of appearing in villages of certain biomes, with a random occupation, or can be summoned manually by naming any existing villager "Morshu". https://t.co/8PxAaiZ8Ha

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Renewed Animal 8.0公開しました。亀、蝙蝠、河豚、鱈、鮭のモデルとテクスチャを少しづつ変更して、亀と鮭は色を2つ追加しました。

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次の「Renewed Animal」では狼を狼らしくモデリングし直す予定なんですが、ほぼ犬として認識してる方もいるかと思い犬バージョンも作成する事に。どちらかを選択する形になります。…大きさとかも違うんだけど、作り分け出来てるかな。

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マイクラのクリーチャーじみた動物を中つ国に馴染むように作り始めた「Renewed Animal」。今度はオオカミです。野生状態となついた状態で目つきの違いがはっきり分かる様にしてみた。まだ微調整中です。

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just got bored so i decided to take a shot doing 's dream with his cute optifine cape to a skin :D

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my friend with optifine shaders took a few pictures of the base me and my friends built aaa,, this base and our realm is so special to me i love it a lot and it looks so cool like this

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I didn't think my shader would still be on when I opened optifine MC but hey look at my funny little tower

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Renewed Animal 3.0

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OptiFineありがとうな... あると無いとで明らかに挙動に差がありましたね 信じられんぐらい軽くなりました マインクラフター各位は可能な限り入れるべきと思う マイクラめちゃくちゃやってました 建築とかについて有識者と意見交換とかしてみたいですね ブログ使うか?

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Ay ayayayay Red's jetpack >>:D
They're s'ppose to be my Minecraft sona, so I based the design off of my Optifine cape >>B)

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¡El VandalPack 1.3 llegó!
Ahora todos los bosses y semi-bosses son parte del Vandalverso. ¡Descubre en qué se han convertido!

1.16.2 - 1.16.4

*Optifine necesario*

Link de descarga: https://t.co/bxtlaFlWqu
(Descomprimir en la carpeta "resourcepacks")

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