Day 17: Animal

(Wow I haven't used watercolors in a while 😅)

4 9

Day 15: Galaxy

...Glory to Mankind, I guess?

I know theyre supposed to be exorcists but come on

2 12

Day 11: Crossover

I really have way too many AUs tbh

9 28

Day 19: Servant

Servants of God

4 20

~Inktober Day 6: Mascot~
Ichi declares ESP as their mascot. All hail the kitty🐱

3 7

Day 6: Mascot

12 36

~Inktober Day 2: Island~
Sakuramatsu brings food for her brothers as the are stranded on an island. Will they ever be saved?
I’m behind 😫but I’ll will catch up. Gonna post the rest tonight. Enjoy😋

5 9

Inktober Day Three, for real this time! This is gonna be where I fall behind, my work week kicks my ass but I'm gonna try to make up for it over my weekends!! prompt "Fashion"! I forgot to write in the prompt until I'd already scanned it, my bad.

5 5


8 27