POV: Choromatsu invites you over to hang out but clearly has no idea what friends do when they hang out

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I decided to hop on the bandwagon and do this trend! I'm kinda late to it though haha!

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My side of an art trade with instagram user @/ holyhellbent!! I had a blast doing this!! >:3c

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Choromatsu loves his glow sticks

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I draw a doujinshi for Osomatsu-san. I've always liked artworks where the 6 of them protect each other 🥰🥰🥰 sorry for my bad English 😭
Bản tiếng việt ở phần bình luận

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Might as well dump my art on here while this app is still… some what alive.
Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu

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todd shot choromatsu in the ass wtf!

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also this stupid bird and the guy whos my namesake also another fun fact: ray chase and sean chiplock both voice characters in ososan and buccigang (karamatsu, choromatsu and abbacchio, mista) ^^

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