In the background seem to be photos of the Zeebrugge Raid, First Ostend Raid and Second Ostend Raid including IWM Q 20648B?

Challenge! Can you find the rest?
these should be easier than the last one.

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"Con esta mano yo sostendré tus anhelos; tu copa nunca estará vacía, pues yo seré tu vino; con esta vela alumbraré tu camino en la oscuridad… Con este anillo yo te pido que seas mi esposa"

Dos bumers se casaron por discord hoy

11 53

Any idea who painted these two works?

They are, in fact, both by James Ensor! “Grounded Boats” is an early work by the Belgian artist, painted in 1880, in his hometown Ostend. It is estimated at €60,000/80,000 at Lannon & Associés.

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La vida no me ha tratado muy bien, solo quiero tomarme un pequeño descanso...

si no puedo sostenerme a mi como sostendré lo demás

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Insomniac artist Léon Spilliaert wandered Ostend at night, finding in its empty streets and endless beaches the exterior equivalent of his inner isolation.
At school, he studied Nietzsche and Schopenhauer and began to read the claustrophobic stories of Edgar Allan Poe.

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Here's the final product of the timelapse I postend yesterday~

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The Ostend Boat Leaving Dover, Kent 1957
Norman Wilkinson (1878–1971)

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Ostende hates MAP Rights! (by )

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Ecce ego enim ostendam conceptum in progressus secundum ad project character.

Here I show the concept in progress of the second character for a project.

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Léon intentó varias veces viajar al extranjero pero sin conseguirlo, envidiando a aquellos que sí pudieron, como a su amigo Stefan Zweig.

El mar pasó a convertirse en unos de los motivos principales de su obra. Un mar inmenso, de anhelo y libertad; siempre con Ostend de fondo.

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“Faccio tutti gli sforzi possibili per essere secco, “voglio imporre silenzio al mio cuore, che crede di avere molto da dire.”

De l’Amour


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La vita reale è soltanto il riverbero dei sogni dei poeti. La vista di tutto ciò che è bello in arte o in natura, richiama con la rapidità del fulmine il ricordo di chi si ama.

⚘ Stendhal

🖌 Pierre Auguste Cot

7 22

L'amore è un fiore delizioso, ma
bisogna avere il coraggio di andare a coglierlo sui bordi di un precipizio spaventoso.
Julie Bell
Dolce riposo carissimo Pasquale e tutti amic, un forte abbraccio 💙

16 18

El ángel de luz se convertirá en el arte macabro que sostendrá la vida

Lujuria, peste y hambruna serán los hijos que gobernaran cielo y tierra

El trono de hierro y muerte ascenderá, los mares de sangre se teñirán

Luzbel el nuevo amanecer, el eterno omnipotente

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