Untitled (Vor dem Auftritt) (Before the Performance) (1928)

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Couple on the windowsill, (1928)

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Hure auf einer grünen Couch (Garçonne) (1931)

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Jeanne Mammen (1890-1976), La pêche aux poissons rouges, 1925, crayon & aquarelle, Berlin.

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She Represents (Carnival Scene) (c1928) by Jeanne Mammen (1910 - 1975)

“I have always wanted to be just a pair of eyes, walking through the world unseen, only to be able to see others.” - Jeanne Mammen

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Jeanne Mammen, Stroll along the Kudamm, c. 1929 https://t.co/LM9EMtUMF1

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During WWII her was frowned upon by the Nazi regime for it’s inappropriate depiction of women - as a result Mammen refused to show her work for the remainder of the war making a living selling books from a cart instead.

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Untitled (Vor dem Auftritt) (Before the Performance) (1928)

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