577 - Solosis
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

🚋5/16 is in Japan!

What would a trip to London with Tatsuomi (Voice: be like?
He'd look so dashing in his overcoat, guiding you like the perfect gentleman♪

Who would you go with on a trip, and where would you go?

12 87

630 - Mandibuzz
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Overcoat, Weak-armor

0 0

629 - Vullaby
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Overcoat, Weak-armor

0 0

578 - Duosion
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

577 - Solosis
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

630 - Mandibuzz
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Overcoat, Weak-armor

0 0

629 - Vullaby
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Overcoat, Weak-armor

0 0

579 - Reuniclus
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 1

578 - Duosion
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 1

577 - Solosis
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

like to talk about popn again, i think its really neat that weiss probably was loosely based off concept art of elenoa. like eyes aside the palettes are the same and a lot of the spots are thematically similar (the white overcoat, black bodysuit with white circular accents, etc)

0 1

Happy weekend! Two things: Wanted to try a drawing w/out her overcoat, and I assume she has a tail. I'll probably draw more of these :)

7 71

630 - Mandibuzz
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Overcoat, Weak-armor

0 1

629 - Vullaby
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Overcoat, Weak-armor

0 1

579 - Reuniclus
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

578 - Duosion
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

577 - Solosis
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Overcoat, Magic-guard, Regenerator

0 0

Psst. Hey. Hey buddy. Hey pal. You wanna talk about...
*opens ratty overcoat, to reveal neat rows of tiny pockets filled with pointy hats*

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