Ancienne Tour Près de Lanark, Richard Parkes Bonington, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Non sopporto
le cadute nel patetico.
Niente patetismi,
decidi cosa fare
e Fallo.

"Diari, marzo 1956"

Sylvia Plath

🖌️Michael Parkes

25 51

The Lovers' Chronicle 25 October - find it, verse by mac tag - verse by Chaucer - art by Richard Parkes Bonington, Picasso & Nils Dardel

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« L'Usage des larmes » (1827) œuvre réalisée par Richard Parkes Bonington

2 2

Moonstruck by Michael Parkes

44 200

I've been obsessed with The Zheani Sparkes EP.
It resonates to heart.

5 46

Found this artist that I LOVE 😍
Michael Parkes

3 63

I nomi complicano la tessitura
ma siamo nuvole,
notturne mattiniere
oltraggiose spaurite
candide sprezzanti,
cavalieri e cavalcature
bastimenti e animali
siamo pronte
a dissolverci con fierezza[…


16 18

Page 7 is up!
The Parkes team fully reveal themselves!

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European lady being carried in Palanquin, Painting from Trichinopoly, ca.1870
certain caste of men were engaged in this, bearer? Fanny Parkes described in her journals पालकी वाला और डोली वाला

9 3

Magic Spring by Michael Parkes

2 5

Michael Parkes is a painter, sculptor and lithographer. He was born in the United States in 1944.
“Last Lion”, 2015

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The Guardian by Michael Parkes

3 13

Tuesday’s Child
by Michael Parkes

7 14