only seen the first three season_(:::з」∠)_

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Personomi pt2! Just had to draw the space dolphin all-out attack as well! Didn't know what quote to use so I use her motivational quote!

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Personoot! I did the critical hit so felt necessary to try and do the all out attack of too! And I just had to use the cute outfit you showed us yesterday!

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Personomi? Here's a little of the cutest space dolphin in the persona art style!

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Personoot? Always wanted to draw in the unique Persona art style!

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Okay soon... LETS TALK ABOUT THEVIAN! If there's any questions u got about him ask away ...or just any fun request ideas to doodle leave them below

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I just hurt my own feelings with designing Thevian's mom 😅😅 she's based of my grandma who passed 10 years ago ...needed a proper design cuz I'm planning a little comic of Bruno and Mirabel having to visit her for some answers to help Thevian

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I won’t be taking any questions at this time.

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