
“Biden's VP" can’t help but be great

Any woman picked is sure to 👉berrate

The VP nominee will be GOP 👉attacked

But each woman considered has America’s back


😷be good & safe

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Detail of my poster for . Contains the most elements I've illustrated for a single poster in a LONG time + we did it in less than a handful of days. Was insanity, but it'll always have been worth it

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How y'all look believing votes will save America😂 Just sit back and watch the mfer burn!

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Um...can we stop with the choosey-choosey and start fighting the Trumputz? Pleeeze??? In today’s

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That's extremely offensive. Snakes don't go out of their way to harm human beings. They're for the most part innocent creatures who don't lie about being Native American

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The second minifig from our Political Action Figures collection: “The Planner” Elizabeth Warren!

🇺🇸 “The way I see it, no one should work full-time and still live in poverty. Period.” -

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I’m voting for because she’s like Alexa. Immediately when I think how come nobody’s ever ... she comes up with a workable plan. Bloomberg told us to go see a Broadway show when there was a snowstorm & Biden needs to give a real public apology to Anita Hill

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One day after complaining of the dangers of rhetoric, told this doozy.

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Art: Elizabeth Warren elizabethwarren caricature presidentialcandidat..https://t.co/jxYyQNw9sI

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