Today's episode summarizes a lot of my educational philosophies over the past decade, I am very proud of it and hope you listen!

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10. (Villain Ocs) hmm I think they're more like in a gray area/ambivalent they all have their own beliefs and ideologies, still exploring and learning. But the more "rigid" in their life philosophies are : Yorioki and her cult (there are 6 main high rank members including Azuki)

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« L'ignorance cherche le coupable pendant que l'intelligence cherche la solution. »

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Izuru Kira ended up being a pretty intriguing side character in his own right. His mysterious gloomy personality & philosophies on battle fit so well with his zanpakuto abilities

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Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm. Philosophies fall away like sand, creeds follow one another, but what is beautiful is a joy for all seasons, a possession for all eternity.

Oscar Wilde

🎨 Sandro Botticelli

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Soul Society was a place where Kubo truly expanded on the basic lore of the Soul Reapers and their troubling philosophies contrasted greatly with Ichigo's self-assured mission of saving his benefactor. Each respective battle he faced, he grew exponentially.

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When people say "Fire Emblem is too anime now" they tend to back up their arguments with comparisons like these with characters of COMPLETELY different design philosophies, when in actuality characters with similar positions have maintained their philosophies the entire time. 🧵

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« Jadis le moi se cachait dans le troupeau ; à présent, le troupeau se cache encore au fond du moi.»

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The Zenverse is a collection of Mr. Tsai Chih Chung’s philosophies on Zen and NFT.
A collection of 7,777 different zen practitioners to build a Zen universe. Each NFT is a representation of a Zen practitioner, who can be of any race, profession, or mental state.

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Our series are the perfect books to branch out and learn more about the things in life we interact with on a daily basis. 📚

Ever wondered how far back the practice of tattooing goes, or how the phrase ‘Dutch Courage’ links to gin? 🍸🍻

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En réalité, c'est cette philosophie de design plus carrée et fermée que Yamamuro et Toyotarô appliquent à Freezer, et étant donné que le perso comporte beaucoup d'éléments ronds, le résultat peut ne pas complètement matcher.
1) Toriyama 2) Yamamuro 95 3) Toyotarô 4) Yamamuro FnF

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To Your Eternity (Saison 2) -

Drive | Dispo sur Crunchyroll

Cible: Shonen
Genres : Aventure - Drame - Fantasy - Mature - Mystère
Thèmes : Philosophie - Réincarnation

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💣 atomically, Socrates’ philosophies and hypotheses can’t define how i be droppin these mockeries. Lyrically perform armed robbery 🔥🔥🔥

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Quick break to show some of the games I've been playing as of late, with Left 4 Dead 2 being a sort of revisit as I've been co-op'ing it with my best friend. Though action games appeal to me the most, I try to branch out and try different games with different design philosophies.

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"The main philosophies and mental states of each timeline and universe's version of Shirou Emiya is reflected in the differences in the chants for activating their reality marble, Unlimited Blade Works. As you can see in this PowerPoint presentation I've prepared..."

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Finally for Cass/Shiva just trading bards on their philosophies than fists. That and the two to have respect and an understanding toward another. Just have Cass know what occurred but keep the mystery that is Shiva.

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Characterised by a highly saturated abstract aesthetic, ’s work draws from Jungian philosophies, colour theory, and psychology.

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