suggéré par . J'avais pas trop l'temps donc j'ai sketché vite fait et posé des couleurs en digi. J'espère que ça contentera quand même ta curiosité ! Parce que Ariel🧜‍♀️ quoi ! xD

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Artiste à découvrir: apicollodraws

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Teased this a while back but now I can finally post it. A collab between me and my good friend where we had to showcase a huge power gap between Gohan and Beerus, I chose to make Gohan look like he'd been training with Picollo.

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i drew picollo off of memory

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He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't your daddy. DBZ did it first. He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't your daddy. DBZ did it fir…

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Picollo position de combat !

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Hoy es el cumpleaños del Señor Picollo y solo quiero decir, que lo admiro, lo respeto y deseo que se la pase de pocas tuercas!

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