Watched GOTG <3 known Michael from Merle in TWD, loved Yondu EVER since.
When I watched Gotham, I never seen such an older man look so charming and handsome total crush
Watched GB for the first time I thought Ray was the cutest ever.
Started watching DBZSuper and realized I had a…

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Don't tell us that you weren't crying when this blue man from our fanart Udonta and Yaka cursor died in because we won't believe you!

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Black Cat + Yondu = Lucky Strike


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Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special made me love Yondu even more!

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Yondu sometimes is a good daddy...other times he's a terrible daddy.

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Went on a tired drawing spree last night, was determined to make things for some friends.

1: me 2: cobalt 3: yondu 4: thecoolcat

🔁To make me smile.

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uhm …. Hi I love Yondu Udonta ( and Kraglin Obfonteri ) so much , Cherri is my self insert and I love all three of them so much !!!!

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Its been frustrating navigating coloring again since I haven't finished a piece since February 🙃 I've also been digitally sketching inbetween finishing this. I'm really just trying to get my body to remember my talent but its going to take time.

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I’m not always hooked on a feeling, but when I am it’s because Yondu & Gef are at C2E2. & are joining us in Chicago on Saturday & Sunday of

Want to meet these Ravagers in Chicago? Photo Ops & Autographs are onsale now:

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Eventually, way after the end of the book when Oswald finishes his spiritual and martial arts training with Barry LeBear, Baby Felix becomes his companion

Oswald uses him as a weapon, kinda like Yondu in GoTG

🔚 ./..

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Lil Moot Stickers !!
Deathduo, CrayonDuo, TrashDuo, Ghost Wives, SaturationDuo, and last but not least HamiltonDuo <3

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talking about sound effects in comics, I really enjoyed doing crazy sfx in the Yondu book a few years back for , written by , and with colour by

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Wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this because normally it would be so what? But the hypocrisy of the Grand Old Party, saggy tits and then my friend wondered if I’d give it a go. So…

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So. Ich habe während der Softnano Runde gemalt. Ein kleiner Inside Joke zwischen und mir. Wir hatten über Alienentführungen gesprochen - und darüber, was wohl passiert wäre, wenn wir von Yondu entführt worden wären ...
Alpaca and Tomato of the Galaxy!

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my beloved crayon duo hard at work

|| rt always appreciated ||

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