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Drawing Smoliv Until they're in another Pokedex, Day 73

smoliv wallpaper. you guys can use it if you want

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- Charmander
god protect this lil guy, such a tiny flame, so fragile!

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No. 2 Ivysaur

The bulb on its back grows as it absorbs nutrients. The bulb gives off a pleasant aroma when it blooms.

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¿Quién es ese ?
su magnífico ladrido transmite majestuosidad. Todo el que lo escuche no podrá evitar adularlo.

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¿Quién es ese ?
ataca con la vieira de su ombligo. En cuanto para un ataque, pasa al contraataque sin dilación.

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Drawing Smoliv Until they're in another Pokedex, Day 68

i tried drawing a smoliv but in only one line. not that bad (im lying)

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Drawing Smoliv Until they're in another Pokedex, Day 67

ive been doing mostly just normal smolivs, no special thing or anything, so i decided to make this one different. the background was fun

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