Couldn't get the paw to look right so it went poof but silly woman <3 (sorry the eyes look wonky too art went hng tonight)

1 8

Ninja Squad 🤝

Together, Ninja Squad and Ledger are uniting to empower the web3 community with education and innovation!!📢

To celebrate our union we're giving away 2 Ninja Squad NFTs and 1 Ledger Nano S Plus to lucky winners 🎉

Like and RT to enter 🥷❤️


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=^● ⋏ ●^=
Head empty. Existential crisis. Tail poof.

69 249

poof played johnny rocketfingers in vc

1 15

all are quite lovely
I like the final design best b/c, given how unadorned it is, and even based on color alone, I never suspected what was hiding beneath the surface (had it been more ornate, I might've had theories before it went "poof")
Thank you for all your hard work Sana

0 2

poof! transformation time!! collect the rings!! ✨✨

who will you summon to battle?

29 116

what do you think of me without the center poof ??

4 82

I see silly thing I do silly thing!! :]
Happiness went poof lol -🍀

0 2

My baby aki

I haven't remade his ref yet cause slight changes were made (the biggest one being that he now has a vest that has a pocket on it instead of the pocket under poof jacket xD)

0 10

Here ya go, *poof!* now you’re a pretty kitty!

0 2

🐐:|| Drew this early in the morning lol

Smol Goat turn **POOF** Into Goat Mama~🥺❤️

“Surprise, Darlings!!~!!💕”

11 68

[Part 1/2] Magmites recently got a new present from Magni!!💜🎁

And suddenly get too excited we poof into our magsona form?!💜😳#MagniOpus

366 2619

POOF.GIF (133x110 pixels, search word: tabernacle)


3 34

Looks like Shady got his poof gain going x3

79 439

Heard its so *gulp POOF!* i have become AsukaSenpai and celebrating with my waifus Yuki, Ayumi and Naomi.

3 18