in 1807, an Ilocano revolt vs. Spanish rule began in Piddig, Ilocos Norte, and spread to adjacent towns, after the gov imposed a wine monopoly that impoverished Ilocano wine producers. This would be known in as the Basi Revolt of 1807.


23 73

“Anyone with any degree of mental toughness ought to be able to exist without the things they like most for a few months at least.”

Georgia O'Keeffe, living alone and impoverished in the desert in the middle of WWI, on art, life, and setting priorities:

15 92

A polite young woman looking to carve out a life for herself. She left her home at a young age to seek opportunities to help her impoverished family, and now runs a small gardening shop. She’s kind and nurturing, and also a serious coffee addict.

0 1

Hachi no Ki (The Potted Trees) is also the title of a circa 1383 noh play by Zeami Motokiyo.

Based on a story about an impoverished samurai who burns his last three potted trees as firewood to warm a traveling monk. (2/6)

0 4

Qui piove in petto una dolcezza inquieta.
Qui delle divertite passioni
per miracolo, tace la guerra,
qui anche a noi poveri tocca la nostra parte di ricchezza,
ed è l'odore dei limoni
E. Montale "Ossi di Seppia"


1 5

ricorda col sorriso Pellegrino Artusi


"Conti lunghi spaventano i poveri mariti e le tagliatelle corte attestano l’imperizia di chi le fece.

🖌️Paul Milner - Breakfast outside

11 23

Poverino ora gli parte un esaurimento

0 0

Here's the 4th party member; Tenja, a master theif, and dishonored member of the Yohma Clan. He believes he can attain redemption by robbing the wealthy, and giving to the impoverished.

16 46

"Un insegnante, se era onesto, a quei poveri piccirilli della scuola avrebbe dovuto predicare l'anarchia, il rifiuto globale della società costituita, che li cresceva per farne carne da sfruttamento o da cannone."
(Elsa Morante)

0 5

“All measures taken in the name of “rescuing the economy” become, as if touched by a magic wand, measures that serve to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor.”
~ Zygmunt Bauman, 1925 - 2017

[Pascal Kirchmair]

1 2

Poveri capelli!✂️
-seguimi su instagram *Tratto_forte*
-Seguimi su Tik tok *Trattoforte*

0 0

“All measures taken in the name of “rescuing the economy” become, as if touched by a magic wand, measures that serve to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor.”
~ Zygmunt Bauman, 1925 - 2017

[Pascal Kirchmair]

1 1

“wanna cor lapis!”
never let him know where the snacks are,or prepare to be impoverished

388 1748

good moment. good ending.
although there is a certain irony to a canonical billionaire shouting "sic semper tyrannis" as he deposes the ruler of an impoverished foreign nation, but I don't think I'm supposed to look at it that way.

0 0

Impoverished Sudama & his wife in tattered clothes, he is going to meet Lord in & his wife has packed puffed rice for him to carry as a gift. 1800 frm

5 39

Sei milioni di poveri, senza giustizia né diritti.
E il futuro è ancora più nero
L’apertura de

93 185

Delighted to see this published; years of observations and work by lots of great people. We showed that climate-driven substitution of habitat-forming kelps leads to breakdown of a facilitation cascade and impoverished communities 🌱🌊☀️🐟🔥

44 138

Filemone e Bauci
Giove, re degli dei, e il suo messaggero Mercurio scesero una volta sulla Terra, travestiti da poveri pellegrini. Nell’antichità l’ospitalità era un dovere sacro e consisteva nell’accoglierli, dar loro da mangiare e da dormire...

0 0

"Perché il Desiderio inganna.
È come un raggio di sole
che guizza qua e là in una stanza.
Si ferma e illumina un oggetto insignificante,
e noi poveri sciocchi cerchiamo di afferrarlo:
ma quando lo afferriamo
il sole si sposta su qualcos'altro ↓

6 8