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#TodayinHistory in 1807, an Ilocano revolt vs. Spanish rule began in Piddig, Ilocos Norte, and spread to adjacent towns, after the gov imposed a #Basi wine monopoly that impoverished Ilocano wine producers. This would be known in #PH #history as the Basi Revolt of 1807.
“Anyone with any degree of mental toughness ought to be able to exist without the things they like most for a few months at least.”
Georgia O'Keeffe, living alone and impoverished in the desert in the middle of WWI, on art, life, and setting priorities: https://t.co/53PSUpExvT
A polite young woman looking to carve out a life for herself. She left her home at a young age to seek opportunities to help her impoverished family, and now runs a small gardening shop. She’s kind and nurturing, and also a serious coffee addict.
Hachi no Ki (The Potted Trees) is also the title of a circa 1383 noh play by Zeami Motokiyo.
Based on a story about an impoverished samurai who burns his last three potted trees as firewood to warm a traveling monk. (2/6)
Qui piove in petto una dolcezza inquieta.
Qui delle divertite passioni
per miracolo, tace la guerra,
qui anche a noi poveri tocca la nostra parte di ricchezza,
ed è l'odore dei limoni
E. Montale "Ossi di Seppia"
#MareCoiVersi ricorda col sorriso Pellegrino Artusi
@luisannamesseri 😍
"Conti lunghi spaventano i poveri mariti e le tagliatelle corte attestano l’imperizia di chi le fece.
🖌️Paul Milner - Breakfast outside
Here's the 4th party member; Tenja, a master theif, and dishonored member of the Yohma Clan. He believes he can attain redemption by robbing the wealthy, and giving to the impoverished.
"Un insegnante, se era onesto, a quei poveri piccirilli della scuola avrebbe dovuto predicare l'anarchia, il rifiuto globale della società costituita, che li cresceva per farne carne da sfruttamento o da cannone."
(Elsa Morante)
“All measures taken in the name of “rescuing the economy” become, as if touched by a magic wand, measures that serve to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor.”
~ Zygmunt Bauman, 1925 - 2017
[Pascal Kirchmair]
Poveri capelli!✂️
-seguimi su instagram *Tratto_forte*
-Seguimi su Tik tok *Trattoforte*
#fumetti #vignette #vignetta #striscia #webcomics
“All measures taken in the name of “rescuing the economy” become, as if touched by a magic wand, measures that serve to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor.”
~ Zygmunt Bauman, 1925 - 2017
[Pascal Kirchmair]
#原神 #GenshinImpact #若钟 #ReZhong #钟离
“wanna cor lapis!”
never let him know where the snacks are,or prepare to be impoverished
good moment. good ending.
although there is a certain irony to a canonical billionaire shouting "sic semper tyrannis" as he deposes the ruler of an impoverished foreign nation, but I don't think I'm supposed to look at it that way.
Impoverished Sudama & his wife in tattered clothes, he is going to meet Lord #Krishna in #Dwarka & his wife has packed puffed rice for him to carry as a gift. 1800 frm @PUArtMuseum #Art #History @DalrympleWill @dpanikkar @Peachtreespeaks @ssharadmohhan @gsmgoraya @Arthistorian18
My latest image uploaded to adobe stock for sale
there are no words joyful?
#Hunger #dictator #economy #destruction #poverish #catastrophe #adobestock #cartoon #Political #draw #war #power #greedy #satrire #HumanRights #economy #concept #royaltyfree
Sei milioni di poveri, senza giustizia né diritti.
E il futuro è ancora più nero
L’apertura de @ilmanifesto
Delighted to see this published; years of observations and work by lots of great people. We showed that climate-driven substitution of habitat-forming kelps leads to breakdown of a facilitation cascade and impoverished communities 🌱🌊☀️🐟🔥 https://t.co/QXv6zIjkHS
Filemone e Bauci
Giove, re degli dei, e il suo messaggero Mercurio scesero una volta sulla Terra, travestiti da poveri pellegrini. Nell’antichità l’ospitalità era un dovere sacro e consisteva nell’accoglierli, dar loro da mangiare e da dormire...
"Perché il Desiderio inganna.
È come un raggio di sole
che guizza qua e là in una stanza.
Si ferma e illumina un oggetto insignificante,
e noi poveri sciocchi cerchiamo di afferrarlo:
ma quando lo afferriamo
il sole si sposta su qualcos'altro ↓