For I got delaunay+voronoi working on a sphere, then applied 3d simplex noise to assign biomes. Scales up to 1M+ voronoi regions. I'm next going to experiment with alternatives to noise. Noise is easy but usually not what I want. Interactive demo:

29 211

The last set of screenshots for today: nicer windows, doors, roof texture (barely visible), symmetrical plans and night mode

4 43

A bit more progress on my project. World generation produces more interesting stuff, movement is polished up more

19 90

Finally got to work on the super-late entry I'm making with . Almost done with the jam version!

6 19

In case you weren't on twitter at stupid o'clock yesterday, my procjam entry, procmodeller.

5 7

Finished the unlockable characters for my game

4 3

The map is now is now infinite Tomorrow is optimization day

3 6

Tiny dust particules, a critical feature, also now the cellular automata is done in a web worker

1 1

Working on a simple 4x-ish strategy game about islands for That's how they look now:

4 24

Why not use my CC-BY dungeon tileset and animated characters for this year:

7 33

Randomly generating polaroids of corporate demons in snappy business suits for

13 48

is a 9-day event about experimenting w/ procedural generation; I'm making Happy Little Painting Generator.

7 23

Late night work prepping for the entry I'm working on with . More news when the jam starts!

2 4

You can now get tickets to see the talks in person in London!

12 6

The 2015 Art Pack by is now available to download!

13 18