L'altro lo rimproverava: "Neanche tu hai timore di Dio e sei dannato alla stessa pena?" E aggiunse:
"Gesù, ricordati di me quando entrerai nel tuo regno"
Gli rispose: -In verità ti dico, oggi sarai con me nel paradiso.
Lc 23,40-43

15 63

“Like the warmth of the sun
and the light of the day,
may the luck of the Irish
shine bright on your way.”
—Irish proverb


🎨 Renée Graef

38 146


蒔かぬ種は生えぬ <Makanu tane wa haenu (Harvest follows seedtime / Japanese Proverb)> 1975年 きりえ/和紙・洋紙、墨・水彩 20.5×28.6cm

81 806

“Pastori selvatici,degni di rimprovero,solo ventre;
noi sappiamo dire molte parole simili al vero,
ma sappiamo anche, quando vogliamo, cantare la verità.”


18 32

"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."


0 1

Two of my proverbs collection now listed.

9/10 of each 5 tez

A bad workman blames his tools.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

14 32

Gm -
Melting Point / 2022
"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness" - Chinese proverb

12 79

Happy Women’s Day! ❤️

“To tell a woman everything she cannot do is to tell her what she can.” ~ Spanish Proverb

0 0

'You need no wings to fly or send someone else flying.' - Old dragon's proverb. 👣💥🐲

Fantastic artwork done by 🎨

21 71

“Luck sometimes visits a fool, but it never sits down with him” German proverb

Recent painting reflecting on the idea of the fool that lives within us all. ‘King of Fools’ 75x60cm Oil on panel. See more at: https://t.co/9dYyBNIjiw

4 11



4 21

L’uomo è più duro del ferro,
più solido della roccia,
ma più fragile di una rosa.


Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (detail)

16 29

The proverbial frog stays in water until it boils. But that’s dumb, cause we know temperature is a mental construct, and when it starts to hurt you just put on your scuba gear. Cause, trust the science.

0 4

Me acordé del "Sankofa" de la gente de Akan en Ghana. Es parte de su filosofía y está asociado al proverbio "No está mal volver por aquello que se ha olvidado". Es importante el pasado para hacer progresos en el presente o en el futuro. 💖🙏😭 https://t.co/v0W6vWQZQZ

1 5

[I am the Proverbial Innkeeper, and I make all the art used for my streams, including channel elements, and PNGTubers for guests and special occasions.

I also made my own 3D VTuber models, but it's much easier to showcase 2D art.]

1 3

Arabic proverb:

Rich is rich in spirit, and poor is poor in intellect.

1 0

'If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.'

— Arabic Proverb

1 6

Inspired by Egyptian proverb about luck that. That mean having small amount of luck is better than having a lot of skills wz no luck.
Used Arabic calligraphy حظ /luck on the balls which we are Juggling for life 🤹🏻‍♀️

1 1

Buongiorno naviganti tra i e buon

Oggi, in occasione delle Ceneri, proveremo a parlare di Perdono, attraverso l’arte

Vi aspetto 🥰

18 44