in 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays and altered the course of medical history. Pictured: images from one of the 1st series of x-rays ever produced (just 2 weeks after Roentgen published his discovery). More here:

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1/4 Emily James (), Diagnostic Radiographer, King’s College Hospital London, graduated early from the this year and was one of the winners of the Society and College of Radiographer World Radiography day posters

4 10

Hiya, I'm a radiographer working the night shift and expanding my arts and crafts skills when I should be sleeping! I love my food, my animals, and most of all my hubby, !!!

0 4

Hhhh ty!! I'm a radiographer who dreams of becoming a FT artist! I remember my dad telling me art wouldn't get me anywhere so I ignored my urge for years until I said "fuck it" and took up doodling again!

1 2

Hiya, I'm a radiographer working the night shift and expanding my arts/crafts skills when I should be sleeping! I love my food, my animals, and most of all my hubby, !

0 7

Intraoperative radiographer here with my monsterous ass self. Thanks for your support.

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This lil kitty went to the vet today and got some radiographs to check out her lungs bc of her cough. They look good! And her bloodwork came back looking better than last time! And as always, the vet & techs were charmed by her

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Double-crested Cormorant at our L.A. Wildlife Center required life-saving surgery after radiographs revealed that it had ingested a fish hook which had poked through the stomach wall: Our veterinarian carefully removed the hook:

2 13

Interested to view X-Radiograph of Vermeer's "Lady with Pearl Earring" as our research continues to confirm the rediscovery of his Model Signed with "IVM" Monogram "Portrait of a Lady" with identical features from same circa 1665 period-Features match his own-Possibly his Sister

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Going through old hard drive & found this unfinished drawing from 2003. I remember giving up because drawing the scales was taking far too long. Also was using rotring radiograph pens that were a hassle to keep running nicely.

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in 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays and altered the course of medical history. Pictured: images from one of the 1st series of x-rays ever produced (just 2 weeks after Roentgen published his discovery). More here:

41 93

🎉 Today is World Radiography Day! Celebrating the anniversary of Wilhelm Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays in 1895! the first X-ray photographs he took were of the bones of his wife's hand!

68 118

Happy International Day of Radiology and World Radiography Day!

29 82

It’s World Radiography Day! Today is the anniversary of the discovery of the x-radiation and a day we celebrate the work of Radiographers & Therapeutic Radiographers 🙂.

44 117

Messenger 1.0

Extremely large head. If not for tiny ears I would suspect this is a mule. Nice short back, but haunches underdeveloped. Possibly a weanling in an awkward phase. Pasterns and fetlocks appear abnormal, suggest radiographs before purchase. Turn out to grow up. 3/10

24 805

These chest radiograph mediastinal anatomy illustrations by are just fantastic - all the bumps suddenly make sense!

💥Final day for 50% discount on our video-on-demand Anatomy Course. Just $30! Visit now💥

87 296

Q: Why has a radiograph been taken to assess this patient with a headache? ANSWER:

17 57

The radiographers when they scan my brain and find nothing there:

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A two-and-a-half-year-old boy was brought to the emergency department after he had a seizure for which an adult had performed chest compressions and rescue breathing. On arrival, the boy’s abdomen was distended, and a radiograph showed pneumoperitoneum.

149 269

These chest radiograph mediastinal anatomy illustrations by are just fantastic. All the bumps suddenly make sense!

238 652