งานจาก Digital painting class.
น้องเป็น นรสิงห์ ครึ่งคนครึ่งเสือ
Work from digital painting class.
She is Norasing, the creature that mixes Tiger+Human.

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I'm ngl I debated erasing him on 6 different occasions he looks like that dumb wolf photo

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ok so i drew the new design i made but ended up erasing like
all of their weird creature charm
still a cute drawing but i dont think this is correct

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I could see you rasing these all from babies
Here's mine

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These are all like the 3rd or 4th try BECAUSE IT KEEPS FUCKINGS
ERASING-- (I can only do them close up in the camera sorry lmaooo)

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You know whats funny? If you give a close look you will see she is wearing spats, which sometimes already is a common method for avoiding or erasing pantyshots, be it for the purpose of censorship or merely as a design choice

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kalo lyra (🍠) krn dia yuusona, jadi inspirasinya lebih ke bebas kali ya 😅 tp inspirasi namanya tu dari konstelasi kecapi (lyra) sama zephyrus, dewa angin barat di greek myth

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BerryVerrine Artbook SPECTRUM
Detail: B5/144pg

Artbook pertama BerryVerrine berisi kumpulan ilustrasi dg warna vibrant yg membuat ilustrasinya lebih terkesan hidup dan menciptakan gradasi warna baru!

💰DP 50% OK!

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お兄様、最後に確認です。本命チョコはもらわなかったんですね? | prasinos https://t.co/4XPRP4iEsJ

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so bottom has some scattered bits from erasing but i cleaned up n fixed ig idk i might remake it cause goofy

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Wow, I doodled myself and without distorting my body shape or erasing my skin imperfections?? crazy

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Jadi kadang gak tau autodesk ku yg aneh atau gimana. Sebelum disave tuh warnanya soft kayak yg kiri. Tapi abis disave jadinya ngejreng banget kayak yg kanan, jadi harus diatur ulang saturasinya sama kecerahannya. Pertama kukira gara-gara aktifin filter layar, taunya sama aja 😂

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Tecna just casually erasing someone from reality...

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I think it's a toss-up (phrasing) between these too, but I've had a more people than I like to admit ask "Hey ain't you the dog that sniffed cocaine of someone's ass" and "Hey aren't you the dog that made that piss comic??" 😭 https://t.co/ujBPbj2WCN

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New challenge: try to follow an art tutorial using your finger while on a bumpy ass road without erasing unless the tutorial shows it as part of a step. https://t.co/oWzZ4mrbtk

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