The nameless fish god lives inside the tree god and was responsable for creating animal life. It acts as a judge, along with the tree, at the Island of True.

Fish (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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Another seraph and member of the original Council. Jophiel is Metatron's wife and Abaddon's mother.

Jophiel (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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Samael is another seraph and member of the former council. In RoS, Samael and Lucifer are the same person, being 'Lucifer' a title, since he's the 'light bringer'.
Samael/Lucifer (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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Another seraph, Uriel is God's flame. His eyes can see the future and inspire terror. He can create powerful seals and handles a fire sword. Uriel was cold and focused, but after being cursed he lost his feelings completely
Uriel (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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Gabriel is a seraph part of the former Council. He's the voice of God, having the hability to give one word orders to people. He works as God's messenger, is very extroverted and friendly.

Gabriel (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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One of the generals of the Hexagonal Room. Loky is impulsive, determined and kinda dumb. He has the light of the Sun in his hands, making him one of the most powerful angels in the world. He cannot hide his wings.
Loky Lockhard (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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RoOctober 5 - Melanor
Melanor is one of the generals of the Council. She's proficient in summoning pure creatures. She's chill outside, but is trully rebelious and doesn't take anyone's bullshit.
Melanor Jun (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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Continuing to post one dilf per day, this time it's Loky, also known as Riero's father.

Loky Lockhard (c) Katiúscia Renata Paiva Nunes

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