Okay, more Harpy!Reif and her centaur buddies, (Yes she tried to eat Dennis once but gave up because he was too heavy to carry flying)(Dennis and Walter belongs to )

11 37

I made this mini comic of my persona meeting with Reif and Chibi in this ball of hair forms. I just hope they're forgive me for screaming at them. Reif and Chibi (C) and Camelia (C) P.S. I hope I got their names right.

2 16

Douglas doodles + Reif on her break time walking with him and talking about anything.(Douglas belongs to )

3 21

Dawn collor sheme(Reif always keeps a picture of him in his wallet as a child and grown up because she likes to see how her baby has evolved over time but not much has changed.)(Mothmen and cattepillar concept belongs to )

2 25

Random idea, An au where Reif and Chibi merged forming a new identity, anyway this is Dasha.

5 71

Britney rushes to the rescue to calm down Reif

1 5

Reif: Hmmm...I don't know man, even if you help, a parasite can be very harmful to him, and by the way what do I get with you living here?

Gulliver: Eh...I don't know...maybe I could get you some ciggies and–

0 3

Ah yes the damn first impressions,Reif at first was much more wary of Diesels, and with good reason,(Im in a Diesel brainrot just deal with it😩) CONDUCTORS belongs to

9 52


Reif: Damn,I was think something happen,Timmy looks more mischeavous these days so...beware👀

Reif: Also look, I can do this too >U<

0 3

I really like the concept of the conductors of so I made a comic with their boy Douglas and my oc Reif.

9 98

A Realtor and a regular guy living together :D ( Their name are Simon Haile and Reif)

12 92

"The power of friendship"

it had been some time since I last drew Reif and young Alex

5 13

My plans went to crap so I did some drawing.
Last drawing of 2021.
The “God Reif”
It blows my mind how far I’ve come.

5 39

Guten Morgen! 💜
Habt ihr alle gut geschlafen?
Ich glaube, ich bin reif fürs Wochenende...oder Urlaub, welchen ich nicht habe...🥲

1 36

H-Hallo! Ihr könnt mich gerne Chibi nennen, ich bin eine verrückte aber liebevolle Tsundere die es liebt andere eine schöne zeit zu geben und liebe zu verteilen~
Ich trage ein Geheimnis in mir wovon die wenigsten wissen~
Wenn die Zeit reif dafür ist, zeig ich es c:
Freut mich ❤

6 15

Die Zeit ist reif für ein bisschen Zärtlichkeit

🐺Commission for 🐺

1 9

Happy Birthday Heute vor 26 Jahren ist das JRPG für SNES erschienen. Wir waren erst mit dem Nintendo-DS-Port reif für so ein Abenteuer. Der Port fährt bei Ebay heute das Doppelte des Originalpreises ein.

Bei Ebay:


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