Super Sailor Moon Arcade - created with 2DFM02. Download link to the current build:
Credits: sprites ripped by Roket and Makron, music from the anime (resampled & looped)
Concept and programming: der Mondhase

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ust : rev

icicle, Kitane sno's append VB, has yet to find a favorite engineㅠ.ㅠ At the moment, moresampler and resampler show the best tone

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洗i礼/RiuiLiu さま

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Resampled my self on this one.( Thats the DJ in me🤣)
Part of it is also a part of *Intergalactic Expansion*
a Colabo up on

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do you guys remember when i made Her.... i just found this art from ages ago that i gave up on and cleaned her up, might release her vb with a moresampler oto because i think that fits her vibes

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Bai-f0 con resamplers suena más limpia y más chillona xd

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The vid's quality got resampled sooo here's the HQ version

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If you don't disable resample, you'll get those weird ghost frames. It's super easy to fix, but some people just don't know about it.
Just right-click the video, highlight "switches" and select "disable resample".

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I performed necromancy? maybe? on 's late son through UTAU with the most the software will let me.
The (Moresampler) Flags to bring my weird facsimile of Joshua into being are: Y0B0H0g-30Mb45Mo25MG-20

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when u forget to disable resample

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이미지 도트화 간단 팁. 1.FilterGallery-Poster Edge로 외곽선 강조. 2. Filter-Cutout으로 색과 모양 단순화. 3. Image Size - Resample(Nearest Neighbor)로 픽셀화 효과.

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Here is what I should be seeing (left) and what I am actaully seeing (right). Instead of rendering and showing 125 pixels, you render 100 pixels and let the browser resample it to 125 pixels.

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Sometimes I'm having issues with how Facerig resamples the textures so it would make this visible white 'seams' around the object edges.

I find downscaling the atlas fixed the issue, without having to sacrifice overall CPU performance by using highest Live2D render settings.

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Raffle Icon for I'm not sure how to resample this to 100x100 without losing a lot of quality, unfortunately;;

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The new resampler doesn't work for me? It doesn't make a sound, does anybody knows about this-

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when you forget to turn off resample

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