An illustration from the first demo released in 2019 vs its spiritual descendant.

(ask which one is which to trigger me)

2 19

The many faces of the Clean Spear inn (used to be called a tavern).
My adventure from February 2019 to the present day.
An illustration for my weird game hybrid.

12 41

The residence of the magic crafter for October 2019 vs February 2021.
I’m so, so happy with this one.

13 66

Exactly two years ago, I finished drawing the oldest concept art for It was one of my first images. A few things have changed since then...

6 46

The village of Creeks from Trying something a bit different for

5 34

Hi there, For me, the rest of December is going to be all about drawing for Some of the illustrations are new, but some are reworks. I keep learning and improving. ^^

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Old vs new.
Turning over 1 year old "generic road" illustration into an actual area which is going to be a part of Since the first attempt, my way of making rock faces has changed a bit.
Still not sure if the egg will be in the game, though.

0 24

I'm just an amateur, but I hope these count as It's a stressful day, but looking at this tag makes my heart warmer.
illustrations for my game,

9 92

setting has this weird, post-apocalyptic feel which I love. It doesn’t have nukes or evil gods or nasty overlords. It’s just a harsh place to live in, and it shapes those who try.

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WIP for Struggling to find a balance between the chaos and emptiness of the wilderness. I'll need to rework it, but I think it's an interesting attempt.

3 29

Hello again, I'm back after 2 months of social media rehab, which did wonders for my mental health. I'll start posting again, though I guess I should write down a devlog for So many things have changed...

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The Foggy Lake tavern for The actual lake doesn’t have a name. Foggy, the keeper, is a bit vain, but knows a lot about the settlements in the North, so it may be better to stay on her good side.

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Humans try to mark their presence on the world, but their memories and tales dwindle, their bodies wither away, their homes and statues turn into dust.
The wilderness prevails, indifferent like time.

5 21

In monasteries learn to seek happiness in understanding and accepting things as they are, hidden both in nature and between the lines of the sacred scriptures.
Or at least they say so.

14 38

Hello, Since social distancing is keeping many of us locked in our homes, I've recently made a bunch of new "loading screens" illustrations from Maybe it wasn't the same as wandering in the woods in person, but it was a pleasant experience. : )

7 25

I need to take a short break, so I've spent a day placing around some pixels.
The tailor's house from Howler's Dell, a farming village in my weird

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The Clean Spear inn from 15 months difference.
Makes me happy.

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So... What do you think? Have I ruined it, or have I fixed it?

11 46

Hi there, In I try to combine things I love about Adventure Games with things I love about fantasy RPGs.
I currently draw some new areas, it's going pretty well!

are there any rats waiting for Inspector Waffles?

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