Today on the theme is “ancient”, so we and are asking: What historical period would you like to see more games set in? Reply or Quote with your answer!

3 5

Which RPGs are the easiest for you to run?
Cthulhu again, simple system and relatively easy to adlib

1 6

Where do you go for RPG reviews?
ENWorld, good writers and fair comments

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Day 8: Thats a hard one, but Dusk City Outlaws seems like a create one shot game

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What is a good RPG to play for about 10 sessions?
Star Wars, lovely action game with a rich background

1 3

Day 6: Would create an epic episodic game of Edge of the Empire

0 1

Aug 5: The RPG Cover that best captures the spirit of the game? Golden Sky Stories

1 2

Which book cover best captures spirit of the game?
No question: for by

4 20

Really enjoying the tag - so many recommendations, and great discussion as well!

6 11

Aug 4: Which RPG Have I played the most since August 2016? Fate Core, from .

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day 3: is one of my favorite places to here about new RPGs

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I usually don't do these type of meme things. But its RPGs and I want to spread the joy

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Q.2. Mostly through podcasts & twitter nowadays, sometimes when running into authors or 😁

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August 3: How do you find out about new RPGs? Kickstarter, Friends, following publishers I like.

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August 1: I wish I were playing in a d6 Star Wars game. I'm feeling nostalgic today!

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