Tokens for 4 out of 5 characters for tonights one shot (5th in the comments) One player has unfortunately had to drop out, if anyone is interested in joining short notice give me a DM.

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Me: oh yeah, I like to sleep in on weekend and getting up early on Sunday is sad

Also me: I would absolutely wake up at 6 am after having until 2 am just so I can play for 6 hours before having more DnD later that day

Also say hi to Scribe, new OC dropped

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Because there is definitively a potential here!

's Nott the chosen one

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night is for a lot of gamers and players. Here’s to you all, wishing you good rolls and good times in outstanding !

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GIVEAWAY! for theoneringbearer of tumblr
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Thorin x Bilbo

4 21

Myyy Day 9 of 😂 Working on ideas I never got a chance to finish... hey, I'm busy! 🤪   

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Inktober 9: Precious
Gollum's Last Moment
Well hey, at least he got the Ring back!

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Which book cover best captures spirit of the game?
No question: for by

4 20

Excited to letter some Lord of the Rings quotes this week...because LOTR 😍😍

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