...et un pour la beauté 🌹

..Venus et Cupidon, le miroir de la beauté, d'apres Rubens, techniques mixtes.

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...y uno para la belleza 🌹

...la ventana de la belleza, Venus y Cupido, despues de Rubens, tinta y pasteles.

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"Poop Emoji with Rubens", digital photography, 2022. Speaking of Rubens, check out a detail. I imagine this is unfinished, but either way, it gives a sense of how efficiently his workshop (had to) work

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August 20, 1714: Mexican Baroque painter Cristóbal de Villalpando dies in Mexico City.

Inspired by Rubens, Cristóbal's paintings are colourful, luminous, and bathed in a most ethereal golden light.

🎨 "Moses and the Brazen Serpent and the Transfiguration of Jesus", 1683

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Rubens, “Assumption of the Virgin Mary” in Antwerp’s Cathedral of Our Lady. Rubens submitted sketches & won commission in February, 1611. Completed in September, 1626, his altarpiece painting exemplifies the Northern Baroque style with dramatic gestures & a flock of putti.

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Rubens, Rembrandt & Delacroix

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Esta tarde le he pedido a la IA de que se imaginara como seria un partido de quidditch pintado por Pedro Pablo Rubens, este es el resultado de las pruebas. No hay nada concreto en realidad, pero es increíble que clave el estilo. Me parece fascinante.

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Peter Paul Rubens, Sigismund I/III, king of Sweden and Poland https://t.co/qJonUTxFOp

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L'arte non è uno
specchio su cui
riflettere il mondo
ma un martello
con cui scolpirlo.

Bertolt Brecht


🎨Rubens, Venere allo specchio

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Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) No other 17th-cent European painter combined artistic talent, social & economic success & a high cultural level. Success in the major European courts & high social standing were as important as artistic talent in making him an influential painter.

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A study of “Clara Serena Rubens, painted around 1616 in oils on panel by her father, Peter Paul Rube”

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My sketch for this week's Clara Serena Rubens, painted 1616 by Peter Paul Rubens.


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My version on Thursday’s
Clara Serena Rubens, painted around 1616 in oils on panel by her father, Peter Paul Rubens



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My version of Clara Serena Rubens, painted around 1616 in oils on panel by her father, Peter Paul Rubens.

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Clara Serena Rubens, painted around 1616 in oils on panel by her father, Peter Paul Rubens

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