🦠 What better way to spend the first day of March break than to draw the with your son? 🦷 Excuse the fangs.

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can you help by sharing links to free educational links, that parents can share at home under this tweet please?

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With so many people stuck at home because of quarantines, I'm going to feature one of my books every day and its accompanything activities. Collect 'em all on the general hashtag or my own 🙂👍✏️📚

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I keep seeing a COVID-19 Daily Schedule for parents, so I thought I'd share my son's COVID-19 daily schedule in case any three year olds are looking for suggestions as to how they should structure their day.

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You know that people are worried when they completely cancel classes in the middle of the week and move spring break to the following week.

This really affects schedules for a lot of people.

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