(Sepik River, Papua New Guinea)
Spirit Boomerang
Charming Dancin’

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(The first picture is from a year ago and @.CheesePikachu was my old account)

Nothing really changed JAJDJJSKAJS

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As a side note, I think that Sepikmon could work as an evolution of Jungle Mojyamon since it's bones should be shaped as a Boomerang like regular Mojyamon.

Pteranomon works as an Adult, and I'd love to see it evolve into Shoutmon X3GM (since both are the only Pterosaur type)

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Boarmon -> Vikaralmon, again, I love this setting of Devas evolving from Armors, so Adult.

It's a shame that Makuramon never evolved from Sepikmon, if that were the case, Opossumon could have evolved into Kumbhiramon and not Makuramon... but oh well, we'll always have the fanon.

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(Sepik River, Papua New Guinea)
Spirit Boomerang
Charming Dancin’

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(Sepik River, Papua New Guinea)
Spirit Boomerang
Charming Dancin’

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(Sepik River, Papua New Guinea)
Spirit Boomerang
Charming Dancin’

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That's our trendy fashion Goblin done! He's ready to brew some potions and judge that simply horrid outfit you're wearing, honey!

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And another milestone reached for All the world nodes are done, finished off with the wee Goblin Store where Erik can drown his sorrows in fashion!

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Malam-malam sepiku ditemani oleh

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Happy birthday to Tom Wyner, the voice of Devimon in Kimeramon & MarineDevimon in as well as being the narrator, Devidramon & Caturamon in and Sepikmon & Volcamon in


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"I never believed a machine could know hatred."
— Grimoire card description of Sepiks Prime

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im just laughing because
so much of the time halsien's just lookin like surprisepikachu 😂👏

constant ???? mood

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uh i found like a 2 1/2 (ish) year old FukasePiko drawing i did and.. i doodled them since its been that long

I dont really ship this as much as i used to (due to many reasons) but yeah im still kinda soft to (i probably wont draw this for another few months tho)

Piko soft baby

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f...fuka doodle uwu

i think the last time i drew him was for some fukasepiko 😳😳 which was maybe like. Last year? I dunno.

His curly ass hair will be the death of me i swear

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is one of the world's primary language families. It consists of five spoken along the Yuat River in East Sepik Province, 🇵🇬#Papua New Guinea.

The languages, with estimated numbers of speakers:


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