Tous les jours, en solidarité avec
et les Afghanes qui refusent l'obscurantisme et le joug des une oeuvre de Shamsia.


29 35

Tous les jours, en solidarité avec
et les Afghanes qui refusent l'obscurantisme et le joug des une oeuvre de Shamsia.


38 54

Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences,
Penetrates walls to arrive at its ..
Destination full of hope.

Maya Angelou

🎨 Shamsia Hassani

1 2

Leave me be .. melancholy

🎨 Shamsia Hassani

6 20

這些都是阿富汗藝術家Shamsia Hassani的作品, 如果我們分發它們, 就好像給她和所有生活在地獄的阿富汗婦女發聲. 謝謝💐

92 230

«Il cuore dell’uomo è spregevole, spregevole, Mariam. Non è come il ventre di una madre. Non sanguinerà, non si dilaterà per farti posto. Solo io ti voglio bene. Non hai altri che me al mondo, Mariam»

🎨 Shamsia Hassani

42 93

Love is not rare.
Unconditional love is.

🎨 Shamsia Hassani

10 43

Freedom soon will come ;
Then we'll come from the shadows.

Leonard Cohen

🎨 Shamsia Hassani / Afghan graffiti artist

2 7

Shamsia Hassani is a fabulous graffiti artist and University lecturer in Kabul Afghanistan. Many of her works carry messages and they will not be popular with Taliban. She is one of thousands of Afghan women in danger.

2 6

The warmth once felt like a dream.
A river melting in the stream.
Then gave us year, through many ago ;
The spring cries tears-
The autumn rain.

🎨 Shamsia Hassani / Afghan graffiti artist

1 5

Wake a dawn with winged heart ,
And give thanks for another day of living.

Khalil Gibran

🎨 Shamsia Hassani / Afghan graffiti artist

8 59

🎨 Shamsia Hassani / Afghan graffiti artist

Let's pray for Afghan women !

6 29

Es sind Werke einer afghanischen Künstlerin
~Shamsia Hassani~
Wenn wir sie teilen, wird es sein, als würde man ihr und allen afghanisch lebenden Frauen eine Stimme geben. Danke ♥️

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Son obras de una artista afgana, que se llama Shamsia Hassani. Si las hacemos circular será como dar voz a ella y a todas las mujeres afganas, que estan viviendo un infierno. Gracias

5 6

Shamsia Hassani, Afghanistan's first female street artist, has been publishing her heartbreaking response to the Taliban coming into power.

31 67

Homeless and hopeless 💔

(Shamsia Hassani on IG today)

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