keinginan terkabulkan 👏

21 226

jjkhalu! Warning Ship mxf satoshoko

Gojo kelihatan capek tapi demi Shoko-nya dia rela tetep mau ikut main, dalem hati "apapun aku kabulin permintaan tuan putri. Capek ga ngaruh yg penting Shoko seneng =)"

4 47

jjkart! Akhirnya keinginan Choso terkabul yh dik adik 😁

402 3134

I... i dont know what to say about this case:)))))
Wanderer and Kabu think the traveler is having an affair:))))

363 2340

Spesial fanart for
Happy birthday bang andi!🎉🎉
Semoga panjang umur sehat selalu dan apa yg abang doakan terkabul aamiin...
You know bang... Saya gambar ini ngebut sampek habis sahur belum tidur🙂🙏❤️
Demi Abang hehe jadi aku harap abang suka yaa

8 40

6284 Sayılı Kanun, İstanbul Sözleşmesi'nin bütüncül sistemini (Önleme, Koruma, Kovuşturma, Ceza) kabul ediyor. 6284 sadece bir sayı değildir... BirGün Gazetesi Metafor köşesinde "6284" var...

14 42

isis belki kendi aşağılık sendromuna son verip olayları gerçekten görmeyi kabul etse işler herkes için daha kolay olurdu

0 25

This shows Justin Trudeau of Canada celebrating long overdue peace with Taliban militants in
A special visit to airport by the PM at a time of Ramadan holy month.
Thanks to

0 1

비트메이커이자 프로듀서로 주목받고 있는 아티스트인 덴티스트!
아날로그와 일렉트릭이 교차하는 로파이 사운드가 인상적인 2023년 EP!

덴티스트 [부양]
Dentist [Levitate]

[온라인 배포]

0 0

(6th March, 1508), Humayun was born at Kabul.

"At the end of this year, on Tuesday the 4th of the month of Zulqada, Humayun was born in the citadel of Kabul. The date of his birth was found by the poet Maulana Masnadi in the words 'Sultan Humayun Khan'

- Baburnama

14 82

If y'all like those type of animated films I strongly recommend you to watch the swallows of Kabul "les hirondelles de kaboul" (the French title) wich is also a great

8 76

kalo beneran meranin karakter yang sama persis kayak versi anime, yuta di cool doji danshi bakal meranin ichikura hayate, mahasiswa tingkat 2

dari dulu pengen banget liat yuta jadi mahasiswa di film/drama dan akhirnya terkabul 🥹🫶

175 606

Türk mitolojisi "Dağ İyesi" çalışmam. Her dağ için farklı bir İye vardır. Türklerde kutsal dağların Dünya’nın merkezinde olduğu kabul edilir.Türklerdeki en kutsal dağ Altay’dır. Dağ iyeleri bazen ördek bazen kaz şeklinde uçar.

12 54

yyyyyeppp thanku hepiel, doaku dikabulkan/apa/

0 1

/bsdgame keinginanku 6 hari yang lalu terkabul. Aku dapat bulan ungu

3 100


This Pokemon leads groups of Squawkabilly around Paldea, seeking gangs of different plumage to fight. It is merciless in combat and mocking.

331 2130

We are back with the beautiful RockaBully collection❤️ make your offer and your Bully will go to the moon🚀!

1 6

happy birthday kak vee!! smoga yang dismogakan terkabul, gachanya wangy terus & semakin disayang lucien & vyn!! 💜💜💜

1 1

Happy birthday yak ! Doanya template aja ya, gapapa template asal terkabul kan ya? Hehe✌🏻

All the best, jaya raya selalu! Betah betah yak🙏🏻

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