Also Sonetto🖌️(work from 2021

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Resonete with you見返してたんだけど咲希ちゃんが散々考えた結果でもしほちゃんといっしょにいたいんだもん!!しかいえてなくてかわいくてすき 咲希ちゃんのそういうところが絶対救いになってるよね…(しほさき) 多分去年の夏はじめてプロセカのストーリーチラ見したときもおなじことゆうてた

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Sonething something experiemental sonething sonething deeper meaning something something cat

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"Non mi convincerà lo specchio ch'io sia vecchio,
fin quando tu e gioventù siete coetanei;
ma quando in te vedrò del tempo i solchi
mi aspetterò che morte espii i miei giorni."

✒William Shakespeare⚘"Sonetto 22"

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Great to see feature in the Times and Telegraph today as it premieres until 11th March. Thanks to . Fine art inside the

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Soneto 1
Ao meu pai doente

É o primeiro dos 3 poemas que ilustrei para o nosso projeto de finalização do curso.
No poema Augusto dos Anjos questiona o destino de seu pai e quem seria capaz de fazer isso a ele, questionando até Deus.

Na ilustração eu trouxe essa ambiguidade +

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Omg, Cozy Grove is SO damn cute 💜☠💜 I love these sorts of games when I just want sonething wholesome and relaxing. It's like spooky animal crossing eheh

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Ive wanted to redraw this meme for a while bow but i was at a loss for who to do. Roisin is really hoping this doesnt awaken sonething inside her, spoiler: it does.

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Ah yes, mysterious Jewish texts go brrrrrrrrrr

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I'd say it depends on how much time is put into it how much work it is. For me I'd price my own chibi art as 15, and sonething detailed maybe 20-25. But whatever works for you <3

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[.]Magi, voi siete i santi più nostri,
i pellegrini del cielo, gli eletti,
l’anima eterna dell’uomo che cerca,
cui solo Iddio è luce e mistero.
Giorgio Caproni - Sonetto d’Epifania

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Is that Persona 4 queer baiting time

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1863 m. G. G. Belli.
Tra i migliori poeti dialettali italiani.
Celebre per aver composto circa 2200 sonetti, espressione tra le più belle del realismo romantico.
Un *affresco della Roma papalina, da testimone, a volte impietoso, dell'anima popolare.

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