‼️ Tokyo Revengers 273 ‼️
"I want to be like you." "i want to be a real hero!!"

7 33

Kartein almost losing his sanity over Kayden for being a "Hopeless Buffoon." 😂✨

0 6

Finally finished it 😄🙂
How do y'all find the time to draw?... High school is taking all my time

Lukerosa in a fairytale world is just something else 🥰🥰💝✨♥️

31 121

Ernell, por que você não deita e morre? Eu tô com tanta raiva desse verme que não consigo achar ele bonito, me julguem.

0 0

Working on an IRL gift for all DELISTED Space Suit holders!

This is just a mock-up and will keep working on it with the artist until it’s perfect 🫡

Not and official merch, but a gift from 💎

26 71

Arcaea4.0.255 ストーリーBエンドネタバレある


The last sight of a traveler

71 384

🚨 🚨

En la primera escena post créditos, nos enteramos de que sobrevivió a ser atravesado por su propio relámpago, después de ser lanzado por contra la cabeza del panteón griego.

1 22

Holii mis pequeños!! aqui otro avancee!! poco a poco se van revelando quienes son :0

0 10

(Side story chapter 4)
Cale and Raon having a family bonding time! ٩( ᐛ )و

5 15

Spread: Pigs To Slaughter is about a super-ultra redneck conservative serial killer who uses rape and murder in attempt to populate the world with incestuous raping maniacs.

Sound familiar?

2 5

Buenas madrugadas pequeños!! aquí dando los últimos detalles >W<!!
les aviso que va haber una nueva actualización de los precios .3.

1 6

Kirishima!? maybe this is what it would look like? I'm shaking!

14 175

Shy QT And Alan! I bet this must be the boy with the red hat from Middle men

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