Many spoons were stolen from me today (spoonies, you get it) - so here is a comfort animal outfit! Pigs are currently my favourite animal, so I thought I'd create a chronically ill penguin pig 🐷🐖

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Pms decided the Ultimate Tag Team should happen right as I find out I have covid.

Just imagine a 3rd fatigue kitty in the mix.

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In The Name Of The 🥄

Gimme Some Energy & Strength!

Important mission : Grocery shopping 🛒🤣

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This Is Fine: Random Nose Bleed Edition

My cat gently paws at my face afterward like: Why is my human leaking? 🧐🐾

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Who's got some energy I can slap outta? 🤣 Got errands & shopping I gotta do today.

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Foggy Kittens are really testing my patience.

Getting things done between multi napticals. Even if that means doing dishes at 2 am.

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Flo & Ida can both bite my fluffy butt! Of all the times...

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Nearly missed it

In The Name of The 🥄 Gimme some damn energy!!

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Drew Spider Spoonkie after each shot kickin' virus ass in my style.

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For all my spoonies ❤️

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What would you do for a Klondike Bar? 🥄🍧🍍🐙

Feeling very like a melted 🥄 after this trip to Walmart.

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Now it makes sense why my energy tanks are on E... Pms bout to roll up on me 😑

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It's so here's the Error Fairy I drew years ago.

Can't remember the context of the idea.

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In a mighty NEED of some WD-40 🛢️💦🥄

Slept 10 hours & woke up like Tin Can Spoonkie

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Spider Spoonkie Kickin' Ass 😏

Drew this cuz I got my 1st dose of the vaccine on Easter.
This is how I'll be fightin in comfort! 🤣

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I'll take my cup of coffee w/ a side of Claritin-D. Allergies are flared up.

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Hello! I’m a disabled illustrator who loves illustrating fellow spoonies ☺️ if you’d ever be interested in illustration to accompany articles I’d love to talk!

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This is one of my
These were based on concepts that i designed with in our collaborative project!
This is just a little reminder to those out there that is just as and is better for us in the long run

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