Oh... I also want to participate in SSBC and brandish French bread and fight.

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It is a picture of "Kasane Teto". I would like to use this picture when I participate in SSBC.

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plants vs zombies stage concept, is an fd but the zombies will appear as plataforms in random spots if u stay too much time on, they will take u up

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this is an stage inspired on the multiplayer stage from bomberman 64 multiplayer hope u like it

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【告知】ガルニエTV ラジオ新番組!


「太陽系SF冒険大全 とオペラ役の の2人をメインパーソナリティに迎え、ドラマ&トークのバラエティ・ラジオBOX!開封!↓

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a remake of a rayman leyends stage concept I made a while back and now that announce that they are doing one I found the inspiration to do it.

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tried fixing up Mario's "artwork" for smash crusade

I put it in parenthesis because it looks traced
most of SSBC's assets are just reused
honestly I wish they'd put more effort into it, like SSF2

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