Eine weitere Woche ohne Schule und langsam wirds langweilig? Dann werft doch mal einen Blick in unsere Unterrichtshefte zur Chinesischen Mauer oder den Seidenstraßen. Hefte für Lehrer/Eltern gibts übrigens auch! https://t.co/dN6E4EXZry

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I hope all of you are doing well ❤
This is my little drawing for n 's 👍🏻

Lots of orange, lots of ACNH.

How are you coping with quarantine? 🙌


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Heay, how y'all doing? I reworked my Attempt for the Arcane Idol Challenge - even if it's over, i will still finish Areyola the Fortune Teller 🤗 Stay healthy!

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Do you work from home? Maren Jeskanen doesn’t own a studio, she paints from her living room while she listens to a Netflix show or a movie!

Learn more about this talented Finnish artist here→ https://t.co/pdNa0lwCsT

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"Paradise is not a place. It is a state of consciousness."

- Sri Chinmoy

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Wochenendtipp für Unser Tempel-Bastelbogen!
Einfach ausdrucken, ausschneiden und los basteln. Wir freuen uns über Fotos der fertigen Tempel und neue Bastelideen.

Download (12,4MB): https://t.co/hPE8X9lsvR

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🏠 Stuck at home 🏠

Me trying to place all the pieces on the board

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“If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.”

- Fred Devito

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