Monday sketchin’: Theresa issues a trigger warning ahead of the ‘meaningful vote ‘ (as distinct from the usual meaningless votes, presumably).

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A poll of Conservative Party members showed more than half would prefer to leave the EU with no deal! A high average age and a preference for free market over 'giving a shit' means Tory grassroots voters are always likely to drag the UK to the gutter...

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The GFA matters, it belongs to us.

Mo Mowlam put her heart and soul into securing a fragile but long lasting peace for Northern Ireland,
dismisses it in one short tweet.
Ask yourself what else our leaders would sacrifice on the altar of Brexit.

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Seems like a good day to repost this drawing I did of Boris 'The Toad' Johnson...

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EVERY Brexit scenario will leave the uk worse off. WTO deal? 8% worse off; Free trade agreement? 5%; Soft Brexit? 2% - there is no combination that leaves UK in a WIN situation other than staying in the EU... Stop this madness now

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Villains of Brexit Boris 'The Toad' Johnson

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Michael Gove has DEFRA report of Brexit impact on food prices. News is so bad it seems to be in national interest not to publish

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