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#fatcats have made more than enough from our low wage economy and it's now time to step up to the plate and give some of it back before you kill the goose that laid the golden egg #stopbrexit #StopTheSpreadOfCorona #StopHS2 #SaveOurNHS #savetheplanet #StopHoarding
Dmitry Grozoubinski on Twitter #LetUsBeHeard #PeoplesVote #Revoke50 #FBPE #StopBrexit #Remain
Nigel Farage and Rupert Murdoch are pushing for a No Deal Brexit, they both want to see the end of the NHS - don't feed the UK to their disaster capitalism!
#Marr #Ridge #SaveTheUKFromFarage #StopBrexit
Boris Johnson and his Brexiteer supporters... My @Independent cartoon #Brexit #BorisJohnson #prorogue #NoDealBrexit #StopBrexit
Seamus Jennings on #prorogation #Brexit #1984 #BigBrother #BorisJohnsonPM #Prorogation #prorogue #GeneralElection #politics #Brexit #NoDealBrexit # #cartoon #Boris #StopBrexit #Queen - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Ben Jennings on #prorogation #Brexit #BorisJohnsonPM #Prorogation #prorogue #GeneralElection #politics #Brexit #NoDealBrexit # #cartoon #Boris #StopBrexit #Queen - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Andy Davey on #prorogation #Brexit #BorisJohnsonPM #Prorogation #prorogue #GeneralElection #politics #Brexit #NoDealBrexit # #cartoon #Boris #StopBrexit #Corbyn #KennethClarke - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Dear @jeremycorbyn
Let us not allow the UK to be ‘liberated’ from the EU only to be subjugated by the USA.
We are equal with our 27 allies.
We created the EU together.
Europe is our continent.
Without it we are vulnerable and go under.
An Anti-Prime Minister. FUCK ALL WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST PIGS! #RevokeA50 #StopBrexit #PeoplesVote #uk #Brexit #art #sketch #ToryRacism #BrexitBribe #GetTheToriesOut #WakeUpBritain #BrexitVote #Article50 #BrexitMayhem #RevokeArticle50Now #NewZealandShooting #Christchurch #AusGP
Appeasement returns to Britain in 2019, courtesy of #Tories and #Brexit
#Grayling #BlockingBrexit #FarRight #FailingGrayling #r4today #StopBrexit #PeoplesVote
A poll of Conservative Party members showed more than half would prefer to leave the EU with no deal! A high average age and a preference for free market over 'giving a shit' means Tory grassroots voters are always likely to drag the UK to the gutter... #SaveTheUK #StopBrexit
Seems like a good day to repost this drawing I did of Boris 'The Toad' Johnson... #StopBrexit #ExitFromBrexit #FBPE
EVERY Brexit scenario will leave the uk worse off. WTO deal? 8% worse off; Free trade agreement? 5%; Soft Brexit? 2% - there is no combination that leaves UK in a WIN situation other than staying in the EU... Stop this madness now #StopBrexit #BrexitShambes #BBCR4Today #r4today
Villains of Brexit #1: Boris 'The Toad' Johnson #StopBrexit #FBPE #ExitFromBrexit
Michael Gove has DEFRA report of Brexit impact on food prices. News is so bad it seems to be in national interest not to publish #StopBrexit