A shiny Swirlix and Alcremie request! It's strawberry cream with a mix of brown sugar cinnamon cotton candy.

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A Gastly and Voltorb request! If you see this Poké Ball lying around, perhaps it would be best to leave it alone.

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so, this is my progress so far.
played a bit with his hair colour 'cause i wanted to show 'his fading' more.
not quite sure if i like it or not, but i guess it fits the situation he's in.

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(アウトレット)マイクロソフト SurfaceGo(8GB/128GB) MCZ-00032 シルバー [楽天] https://t.co/fHqZlIv9e7

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ずっとiPhoneで指描きをしてましたが、はじめてSurfacegoにペンで描いてみました(*´`*)クリスタの設定やら使い方やら分からなすぎて挫折しかけてます⸜( ˙̦꒳˙̦ )⸝でもやっぱペンって描きやすい…♪


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I realized everything happens for a reason, I can only thank God for the things He's done for me and I pray that the goals I have in-store will be even greater. Get ready for the stuff I have planned UwU see y'all in 2020

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Looking forward to tomorrow catching up with the and peeps. No idea what to expect though, some sort of digital Florestry showcase?

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