Tamberlane is still on Hiatus, but that doesn't mean the cute is on hold! Check out the adorable fanart from MochiArts! https://t.co/5mc3uDcH8D

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We've got another piece of fan art to share with you while Tamberlane continues it's hiatus. This one is by MochiArts! https://t.co/5mc3uDc9j5

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Incase you forgot...Tamberlane is up to page 325 now! The next page goes up on Wednesday, so take some time to get caught up! https://t.co/0P1qZo2VLp

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Now is a good time to catch up to page 325 of Tamberlane! The next page goes up on Wednesday, and we don't want you left behind! https://t.co/0P1qZo2VLp

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