Being a full time means spending way more time at home with Chopper... He's not exactly thrilled with how much I'm at my desk though. 🐺

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From 2000-2010, there was a net loss of 70 million hectares of rainforest in tropical countries – an area larger than France. We need to reverse this trend. Step 1: prevent any further industrial logging in the rainforest

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Dear : Please intervene urgently to prevent government's reckless plan to lift its logging moratorium. An area the size of France is at risk! Not to mention the The world is watching.

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Dear , : Please by intervening urgently to prevent DRC government's reckless plan to lift its logging moratorium. Act NOW. The world is watching!

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Dear , : Please intervene urgently to prevent government's reckless plan to lift its logging moratorium. 75 million hectares of rainforest are at risk. It's time to stand up for the

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