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me as a kid watching "Predator 1987" on VCD player every night https://t.co/YLNmBHDcB5

41 513


Acrylic gouache, color-ink on panel


7 65

commission out of pile. for a moment you can see a smiling Akiko before her predator robs it :P https://t.co/W8TFkNiDMp

62 295

Most of the time when I characterize Serizawa as a predator, I make him too smart, so sly that it could be Reigen wearing his skin
I forget that Serizawa is actually this and would not even think about the perfect plan/scheme to attract someone but just jumps kids

3 64

The predators come to roost in Doma and they're greeted with a forced welcome.

26 376

🌌 cw // predatory mariage
Jeha cosplay ishakan boleh juga, otw bikin dokja cos leah g sih?? (Art by sender)

122 858

-bllk cw spoiler manga / character

Setelah pertemuannya dengan Ness, Kaiser punya tato mawar berduri, yg tadinya hanya mawar biru. Duri berfungsi sebagai pelindung bunga mawar dari predator, nama Alexis berarti protector/pelindung. Apakah hal ini berhubungan?

1 64

I still remember fondly to the days I terrorized people in invasions with my Predator build (Mad Warrior helm + Bandit Armor + Santier's Spear).
Or when I used Spotted Whips in pvp and got hate mail (the true trophies of the game).
So long, Dark Souls 2~ https://t.co/XwUnh6PdXK

191 1744

poor lil fox got too close to his predator's territory, little does he know that said predator was waiting for his arrival to propose?!?!? 🤨⁉️ and maybe fu-

496 6767

Just:Wanna Predator

133 849

Predator Impact 🦁

294 2012

🦖 Daily Dino 🦖; Giganotosaurus carolinii

From the Candaleros Formation of Argentina, this gargantuan predator could have rivaled T. rex in size. Its blade-like "shark teeth" were perfectly adapted to slice off sauropod flesh, though it didn't live alongside Argentinosaurus

112 734

Oh no it's predators we need to combine our power

0 17

Our Apex Predator, Gura!
Happy birthday!!!

321 1571