The Flash Vol 2 Issue 77
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 7) part 3

Thawne defeats these three veterans Speedsters, with effort, but still won.

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 27
- Reverse Flash 2 part 3

After beating Thawne again, Iris finishes it with a blast from a Blackhole Gun. Still, winner is the Flash.

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Justice League (2016) Vol 3 Issue 18
- Timeless Soldiers
Flash defeated 100 Timeless Soldiers even when his speed was dampened by Temporal Grenades.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 4
After a long tense fight, The Flash (and a little interference from his Dad Henry) won.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 1
The Flash fights against the second New 52 Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne who has a different origin.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 17
- Gorilla Grodd Part 2
Flash wins, nothing else to go on about it.🤷‍♂️

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 17
- Gorilla Grodd Part 1
The Flash takes on Gorilla Grodd inside the Speed Force, where both their powers are amplified.

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For anyone interested. Here’s a list of people the Flash has overcome in battle, either by himself and/or with help.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 181
- Swordsmanship Part 2
Back with a vengeance, Flash makes use of a more effective sword and takes out an entire company of Samuroids.#TheFlash

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 19 and Issue 25
- Firearms Part 10
Used Captain Cold's gun and he froze the entire Mob Rule Militia. Pulled a stun gun out on a junkie, until he was unarmed when the guy surprised him.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 274, Booster Gold Vol 2 Issue 17
- Firearms Part 1
The Flash claims he was a good shot back at the Academy and he holds Booster Gold at gunpoint before he was the Flash.#TheFlashCombatSkills

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The Flash Vol 2 Issue 225, The Flash Vol 4 Issue 0
-Wrestling Part 3
The Flash using Suppression Holds on Eobard Thawne and Daniel West.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 753
-Muay Thai Part 6
Elbow Strike to the neck and Kick to the face against Reverse Flash.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 23 and Issue 24
- Muay Thai Part 5
A strong kick to Daniel West’s stupid face and strong elbow strike to Darwin Elias’ face which could be counted as both a Muay Thai and Karate technique.#TheFlashCombatSkills

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 13
- Muay Thai Part 3
More utilization of punches and knee strikes from the Flash.

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