EXCLUSIVE: actress Marta Milans has opened up about the mixed reviews:

"A lot of critics feel like they have a political agenda rather than actually sitting and watching the film and enjoying it..." Full quote: https://t.co/BkIx390f0i

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Su climax fue epico y el final, al menos para mi, fue satisfactorio, siempre que esos tres puedan sonreir, valdra la pena para mi.

Gracias por crear esta historia Park Yong Je


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📽️Box Office mondial :

- démarre mal. 🙄
- fait ce qu'il peut... 🚀🦖
- aussi. 😛
- n°1 un peu partout ! 🚪✨

Lien vers le tableau de la semaine :

8 9

都内なのに貸し切り状態で、4人しかいなかった。なぜこんなに不人気なのw 期待せずに観たからか、思った以上に面白いんだけど。DCやマーベル系は、夫に付き合う以外は、ふだんは全く観ないんだけど。普通にこれは夫も面白いと言ってた。もっと評価されてもいいのに

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BREAKING: will be available for digital purchase on April 18, a mere 32 days after its theatrical debut! Details: https://t.co/snoKMUis1Y

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Diedrich Bader, who voiced Batman in Batman: the Brave and the Bold; as well as in the animated Harley Quinn show appears in Shazam Fury of the Gods and gives a smashing performance.

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Covers for the steelbook & 4K bluray from Best Buy and Walmart stores

19 168

Reseña de ya disponible solo en cines distribuida por

Divertida, irreverente, autoconsciente y conmovedora!

Afiche arte de

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Saw Shazam 2 and it was awesome. A very fun action packed sequel that keeps it heart with the family. So wanted to make some art. Made Mary since I never drew her before.

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