642 - Thundurus-incarnate
Type: Electric / Flying

Abilities: Prankster, Defiant

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took a tcg image of thundurus, changed the colors then added mixels
try to see how many i fit in

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We're running through the legendaries! Today's villagers include a smug Tornadus, a cranky Thundurus & a sisterly Reshiram :)

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👾 Jefes de incursión:
Hasta el 5/4: Tapu Lele
5/4 al 12/4: Thundurus Forma Tótem ✨
12/4 al 26/4: Tapu Bulu
26/4 al 3/5: Landorus Forma Tótem ✨
Hasta el 5/4: Mega-Charizard Y ✨
5/4 al 12/4: Mega-Manectric✨
12/4 al 29/4: Mega-Pidgeot✨
29/4 al 3/5: ???

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Good luck everyone ~ and my favorite Pokemon must be Therian Thundurus or Chatot ❣️

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642 - Thundurus-incarnate
Type: Electric / Flying

Abilities: Prankster, Defiant

0 1

Algunos hablan de él como un demonio porque en sus escasos avistamientos siempre se ha dedicado a lanzar rayos contra el suelo achicharrando todo cuanto encuentra a su paso. Nadie ha logrado capturarlo para estudiarlo.


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And like that, Out of nowhere, i'm becoming obssessed with Therian Thundurus


Look at him

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Una cosa, ya que estamos hablando de los Pomekos
Soy el único que hasta hace poco no tenía ni puta idea de que Thundurus se supone que era un DRAGÓN!?

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Enamorus with Thundurus' color scheme.

Took me five minutes in Photoshop and it's already an infinitely better shiny than what we have

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I’m really glad they gave us this feels right and wrong, but I love this quartet. Wonder what happened between and present day games where Enamorus wasn’t around… did something happen to her?

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Enamorus’s Therian Forme completes the Four Auspicious Beasts. Tornadus is the Vermilion Bird, Thundurus is the Azure Dragon, Landorus is the White Tiger, and Enamorus is the Black Tortoise.

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Thundurus Therian sketch

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Teoría con
Las formas Totem del Cuarteto de las Nubes
Son basadas en las 4 Bestias Cardinales de Japon, Respectivamente:
Suzaku (el Fenix) es Tornadus
Byakko (el Tigre) es Landorus
Seiryu (el Dragon) es Thundurus
Genbu (la Tortuga y Serpiente) es Enamorus

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It’s neat that the new “Force of Nature” Legendary in Pokémon Legends: Arceus completes the set of the “Four Symbols/Four Auspicious Beasts.”

Landorus = Byakko; Thundurus = Seiryu; Tornadus = Suzaku; new one = Genbu

Was not really expecting that.

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Day 10: Thundurus (Therian Forme)

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