other contenders
(Landorus extends to all 3 of the genies minus Enamorus bc she serves cunt)

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So we know that Enamorus has a connection to the Spring season. But since she’s part of a set, does that mean the other Forces of Nature also have seasons? Here’s what I’m thinking
Enamorus - Spring
Thundurus - Summer
Landorus - Autumn
Tornadus - Winter

Reasonings to follow -

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I was today years old when I realized Landorus T has literally been doing the Rock eyebrow

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Em Pokemon também foi trabalhado o conceito das 4 bestas, mas não como guardiões dos pontos guardiões.
Enamorus a tartaruga e serpente.
Landorus um equivalente do tigre.
Thundurus um dragão.
Tornadus o equivalente da fênix.

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Trans girl landorus therian form 👀

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Landorus would be like this on his ass if he did so much as looked in his general direction.

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4. Landorus, me encantan sus dos versiones sobretodo la totem donde parece como un leon que crea nubes en sus pies para apoyarse y volar

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Landorus but make him Johnny Bravo

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A Pokemon who rises through the sky in this way, granting abundant harvests to the earth and earning the reverence of the people.


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A Pokemon who is known as the god of the fields for bringing abundant harvests and can also unleash mini whirlwinds of sand. 


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26: LAND - Landorus
After the tempests and thunderbolts abate, the land is sure to be blessed with bountiful harvests.

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Hoenn Pokédex Number 33: Masquerain

I actually really like this Pokémon a lot. I always call mine Majora. It's got a lot of great support moves like Scald, Sticky Web, Haze, Defog, Quiver Dance, Baton Pass and can even learn Ice Beam. It can 1v1 defensive Landorus.

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All Pokémon sit.

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