The proof is in the “bodies piled high” Sorry to be crass but what does it take to get rid of this self serving, incompetent, dangerous, liar?

1 2

A thread about drug smuggling, the British Empire, and the ways in which historical wrongdoing by the Establishment persists into the present day. 🧐🧵🌳🍃🍂⛓

182 337

Dominic Raab, a spiv, happy to sell iffy goods to gangster governments. A scumbag if ever there was one. Him and his Tory colleagues.

1 2

These pricks, spivs, toffs and bullies are our government. I wouldn't trust them to make a decent cup of tea nevermind good laws.

1 1

Former Tory PM John Major is campaigning to stop Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister.He wants people to

Backing Boris Johnson: Nigel Farage,Tommy Robinson & Donald Trump

Against: John Major,Kenneth Clarke & Michael Heseltine


91 124

Father Christmas wants to know if you've voted...

Particularly if you are in or one of the other marginals!

Vote for a Happy Christmas, not a Blue one...

44 85

Boris Johnson & the Tories have received funding from Russian Oligarchs. Any wonder that they're reluctant to release a report shows the extent of corruption with the 2016 Referendum, with potential for more of the same in 2019!

44 53

Like 1945 this is a change election. People before us changed the world for the better - so can we.

334 772

I can't cause I'm one of those EU immigrants Boris Johnson wants to get rid of.

For the NHS
For your EU friends
For a government that doesn't kill people

Go kick the Tories out! Vote Labour, vote tactically.

21 74