I also took some time last night to work on this piece for 's Turnip28 setting, which I really dig a lot and there will be more Turnip stuff coming in the next few weeks. I mean, it's just so much potential for mutant weirdness I can't help myself.🤷‍♂️

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Inspired by Gaslands, Turnip28 and the like, I have decided to make my own equally silly setting as an excuse to convert all those skeleton minis out there

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moustaches for day two of a particularly well-bristled old grog ready to march into the mires.

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A few WIPs inspired again by and his setting of mud and mutant roots. Done on the old ipad. 👍

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some of the things that live in the turnip28 rules

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Line infantry, inspired from 's game Turnip28.

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Had some time today so drew a little Turnip man for Pretty new to digital drawing but had lots of fun

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25 lurks in the watery bogs and trenches of ready to squirm from the muck to fight for roots and tubers!

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Inspired by seeing all the fantastic art and minis unleashed upon the world (and to see if a Texturelabs engraving tutorial would work with a drawing).

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Managed to get this far with this trooper idea for 's game, alas...my mortal enemy sleep is winning tonight. I was hoping to start on some buildings I have in mind but that will have to be another night.

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For today's I went back to my twitter clout roots, some art. Two soggy lads in a rooty balloon, adrift on the winds.

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Forgot to cross-post this on here. I wanted to experiment and see if I could digitally colour a pencil drawing, pretty happy with it. Inspired by all the and stuff on IG and discord.

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I've also got some unofficial art up on my Teepublic Store! The is not Official Merch, but I do have 's blessing to offer it.


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A Toff, the mighty Saint Bertha, and her pet.

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A cavalry officer. They're quite well armed.

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quick tokens for playtesting

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